Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday Yoga and Quinoa for Breakfast

Hi friends! I started my workout plan for this coming month. Here it is...

Monday: Yoga
Tuesday: Upper Body & Abs
Wednesday: Cardio 
Thursday: Lower Body & Abs
Friday: Yoga

I was supposed to start today but I started a little early and have been doing yoga for the past 3 days!! I am already starting to feel stronger and healthier! 

This mornings workout was Baron Baptiste Yoga....he is one of my favorites, very easy to follow for beginners but can be just as hard for the experienced yogi! I decided to add yoga into my workout schedule 2x a week because it covers everything that is important about working out...your own body weight used as the "weights" to help build muscle, the breathing from the core which promotes inner core balance and the stretching...which I desperately need. So the mind, the body and soul are working together. 

This morning, after yoga for 30 minutes it was onto quinoa for breakfast...mmm....I actually made a big batch of quinoa yesterday using Pinterest and YouTube to learn how to cook it - yes I had no idea how to cook quinoa properly. I learned that washing your quinoa is the best way to prep it. I didn't know
that and every time I have cooked it before it was tough or tasted like I was crunching on half cooked rice - not so good. However, after I rinsed it with a mesh strainer and then cooked came out light, fluffy and WONDERFUL! I added some zucchini and cauliflower with a few spices for flavor and whala...yummy quinoa! 

Yoga: Check 
Healthy Quinoa Breakfast: Check 

This day is starting out great! 
Have a wonderful day my friends!! 

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